The Lucid Dreaming Podcast
The Lucid Dreaming Podcast is a podcast about the science, philosophy and practice of Lucid Dreams.Episode 12 – Electric Dreams
In this episode I discuss the biggest news in the science of lucid dreaming since the 70’s. How lucid dreams can be induced by an electrical current and the device I am working to do just that. Also follow-up on my second supplements experiment.
Show Notes:
- The Dream Leaf (Website – Amazon)
- Article in The Guardian
- The study in
- Dr. Steven Novella’s Article about tDCS on Science Based Medicine
Episode 11 – Dream Tours
In this episode I discuss lucid dreaming activities. The basic and common tourist activities and the involved, complex and mind bending “resident” activities. Also follow-up on my first supplements experiment.
Show Notes:
Episode 10 – Supplemental Material
Made it to episode 10! This episode is the first in a series of episodes about supplements and herbs for aiding in lucid dreaming. I talk about various components, their effect on the brain and how they might work in helping achieve lucidity.
Show Notes:
- Lucid Dreaming Day – Message from Keith Herne
- Gateways of The Mind – Ireland 2014 Event
- Galantamine: Wikipedia – Amazon
- Huperzine A: Wikipedia
- Acetylcholine: Wikipedia
- Onnit’s Alpha Brain: Product Overview – Lucid Dreaming Page
- LD Supplement Combo
Episode 9 – Total Recall
In this episode I explore a new theory of dream recall, dream journaling and dream awareness. What is the absolute minimum level and type of practice to achieve lucidity, and an experiment to test it.
Show Notes:
- Multiple False Awakening reddit discussion
- The Mutual Dream Experiment new video
- The Ultimate Lucid Dreaming Movie List
- The Lucidity Festival – April 11 – 13 in Santa Barbara CA
Episode 8 – Paranormal Activity
In this episode I answer a question about feelings and non-tangible things as dream signs as well as discuss the various paranormal claims often associated with Lucid Dreams and try to look at them from two perspectives.
Show Notes:
Episode 7 – DIY Methods
In this episode I discuss DIY (Do It Yourself) Methods and self created techniques for lucid dreaming. Also in this episode, new feed, new gear, book recommendations, a quick rundown of false awakenings and some thank yous.
Show Notes:
- Dreams of Awakening by Charlie Morley
- Lucid Dream On Command by Jaime Alexander
- Rhythm Induced Lucid Dreaming by Harionago
- The Podcast on SoundCloud – plus the SoundCloud Feed
Episode 6 – Levels of Lucidity
In this episode I discuss levels of lucidity and how it manifests in lucid dreams as well as how to use dream activities to practice and improve it. I follow up on dream yoga and the hierarchy of techniques.
Show Notes:
- Dreams of Awakening by Charlie Morley
- Misconception Cleaner by TheModernNinja
- Lucidity Institute Update and Survey
- Nidra Dreaming
- NeuroOn – Polyphasic Sleep Mask
- Lucid Dream Ultimate App
- Lucid Dreamer App on Andriod & iOS
- Dream Views Forums
Charlie Morley on TEDx – Embracing Nightmares:
Episode 5 – Going WILD
In this episode I expand a bit more on meditation and lucid dreams and give a rundown of my basic core components of lucid dreaming practice and describe my favorite induction method.
Show Notes:
Episode 4 – Brain Waves
In this episode I discuss brain waves, the sleep cycle, neurofeedback and their correlation to lucid dreaming and how understanding those better can help achieve lucidity.
Show Notes:
- Video Games Change the Way You Dream – The Verge
- Brain Waves Graph
- Open BCI
- The Muse – Personal EEG
- Flux – Automatic Screen Light Adjuster
Sleep Stages:
Brain Waves Graph:
Ken Wilber Stops His Brainwaves:
Episode 3 – iWinks Interview
In this episode i give an update on yet another lucid dreaming headband launching on kickstarter called DreamNet, and I have my first guests on the podcast in my interview with Jack and Daniel from iWinks, 2 of the guys behind the Aurora Kickstarter.
Show Notes:
- Another Lucid Dreaming Headband Launched on Kickstarter (DreamNet)
- Interview with Daniel Schoonover & Jack Payne from iWinks
- The Aurora Headband on Kickstarter
- Bone conduction products by Cynaps
- Intro Music is Lucid Dream Machine by Something Fiction
Episode 2 – A Good Sign
In this episode I discuss news in the lucid dreaming world, like the Aurora successfully getting funded. I go over dream journals and the importance of recording your dreams as well as methods and apps to use. I also touch on dream signs and reality checks and how they work together with dream journals.
Show Notes:
- Quick follow up on Episode 1
- The Aurora Headband by iWinks successfully funded on Kickstarter
- A breakdown of my favorite Dream Journal app – Dreamboard – (app store link)
- Dream signs and custom reality checks
Episode 1 – Introduction
As someone who loves listening to podcasts and does so on a daily basis, I searched for a podcast about Lucid Dreaming and when I didn’t find one (Update: this didn’t come up the first time, but I now discovered the Dream Views podcast – check it out), the idea started brewing that perhaps I should try to record one. This is that attempt.
I consider this an experiment, just like the blog, in diving further into my own Lucid Dreaming practice as well as my desire to share it with others and basically open up my experience so others might benefit from it and that I may benefit from them when these efforts turn into a discussion and a conversion. That is the main idea behind it.
I will do my best to make this a quality podcast as well as an entertaining one. Lucid Dreams is a fascinating topic and should be talk about in a such a way. I hope you enjoy it and find it interesting.
Feedback, of all sorts, is always welcome!
Sweet & Lucid Dreams…
Show notes:
- Introduction, intention and future plan/hopes for the podcast
- Dream Journal as a core base of Lucid Dreaming podcast
- My article about Dream Journals